
Ancient India was a world leader in matters of sex

 Vatsyayana, the author of the Kama Sutra, had a wide discussion on the concept of lust in Greek literature centuries ago. Plato believed that 'work is an aspiration to dominate others'.

In the symposium, the Greek playwright Aristophanes wrote that there comes a stage in life where man is fulfilled in himself and does not need another.

Because of this man became very powerful and even challenged the gods. So Zeus, the king of the gods, divided man into two parts, male and female, in order to destroy man.

It caused the human being to be able to stand up straight, walk on two legs and feel as if the limbs in front of him were split.

Plato says that this imperfection forces us to love others. Plato defines sex as a desire for perfection. Everything we want is not ours.

However, there came a time when it was said that sex is a useless thing. Sex is dirty and it is a sin.

When policies were enacted by the Catholic Church in 325 AD, it was clearly stated that 'the body is a bad thing. Physical happiness is absurd and wanting to have it is a sin. '

The church believed that the sole purpose of sex was procreation. During the same period, Vatsyayan was writing the Kama Sutra while sitting on the banks of the river Ganga.

They were showing ways to increase sexual pleasure by making it a good thing.

There are many examples of ancient Indian architecture that show that in ancient times people's ideas about sex were open. Nude idols are carved in the Konark Sun Temple in Odisha.

Similarly, the caves of Ajanta and Ellora, which are associated with Buddhism, also have statues of naked young women. The paintings in the cave of Ajanta date back to 200 years before Jesus. Similarly, Ellora's artefacts are believed to have been made during the fifth to tenth centuries.

The Khajuraho temple in Madhya Pradesh also depicts open sexual intercourse. This temple is considered to be one thousand years old. The Chandel kings built it between 950 and 1050.

A total of 85 temples were built at that time, but only 22 have survived.

Khajuraho was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. The sculptures of these temples depict all kinds of intercourse. The asanas of each type of sex are shown and sexual intercourse between three persons is shown simultaneously.

The strange thing is that until now homosexual relations were illegal in India, but centuries ago homosexuality was shown in this country through sculptures.

The temples of Delwada near Mount Abu in the 13th century also have marble sculptures of intimate relationships.

In other parts of the world, homosexuality has been the subject of controversy, but in ancient India it has gained social recognition.

Amar Das Wilhelm's book, Tertiary Nature: People of the Third Sex: Understanding Homosexuality, Transgender Identity through Hinduism.

It gave evidence of medieval and Sanskrit texts stating that homosexuality was present as the third gender in Indian society.

The book quotes the Kama Sutra as saying that lesbians were once called 'Swarani'. Such a woman was marrying another woman. Their relationships were accepted in society.

In this book, gay men are referred to as 'Cleve'. They have been called impotent, who were not interested in women.

Extramarital affairs

In ancient India, it was not wrong for a man or a woman to have an extramarital affair and it was socially accepted.

The description of Radha-Krishna's love is an example of the fact that there was a lot of openness in the society and love was not associated with shame. Surdas has also described this:

"Apni bhuja shyam bhuj upari

Dark arm up

Yoan lapatai rahe ur-ur jyo,

Emerald Mani Kanchan Mein Jaria "

Vidyapati also described Radha's beauty with an open heart. Despite knowing that Radha-Krishna is revered, adorable, they portray Radha as an ordinary heroine. In his poem Radha says:

“Hansi hansi pahu hug del

Manmat Ankur Kusumit Bhel

When nivi closed khasaol ears

Tohar sapath hum kichu jadi jaan "

Krishna does not have the image or sculpture of his wife, but Krishna is seen everywhere with Radha. This is an example of the acceptance of love in society

There are many scriptures about sex in ancient India, but for the first time in the Kama Sutra the belief was broken that the pleasure of a woman in sex is not as important as the pleasure of a man.

Earlier it was believed that a woman has to depend on a man for pleasure i.e. orgasm. But Vatsyayan first stated in the Kama Sutra that women do not need men for bliss.

There are many differences between a man and a woman as a lover and there is a huge difference in their sexual desires and instincts.

Vatsyayan says, 'A man's desire for sex is like fire, which rises from the genitals to the head. Like a fire, it spreads very fast and goes out just as quickly. In contrast, a woman's libido is like water, starting from the brain and coming down. It takes a long time for him to wake up compared to men. '

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